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Forty-five day Budget Revision clone 23-24

Forty-five Day Budget Revision Requirement

The California state budget was signed by the governor on June 27, 2023 , which means that Education Code Section 42127(i)(4) is now in effect. The code section reads as follows: 

Not later than 45 days after the governor signs the annual Budget Act, the school district shall make available for public review any revisions in revenues and expenditures that it has made to its budget to reflect the funding made available by that Budget Act of 2023: SB 101.

Forty-five days after the governor signed the budget will be Friday, August 11, 2023

Each district must determine the most appropriate way to make budget revisions available to its public. Presentation in SACS is not necessary, budget revisions can be displayed in any format (i.e., spreadsheet). Further,  Education Code does not require that the budget be readopted, so revisions may be placed on the board agenda as a discussion item.

Reminder: please submit your 45-day Revision documents through Uploads on the SBAS Website.


2023-24 Considerations

  • LCFF: COLA, Add-Ons for TK and Transportation, Equity Multiplier
  • ELO-P
  • One-Time Block Grants: Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Discretionary Block Grant (AMIMDBG)
  • Learning Recovery Emergency Block Grant (LREBG)
  • Universal Meals
  • Universal Transitional Kindergarten
  • Staffing changes (retirements, vacancies, new hires, etc.)
  • Proposition 28: Arts and Music in Schools
  • Special Education
  • Collective Bargaining Agreements



Fiscal Year 2022-23


2022-23 Budget Summary - coming soon

Education Trailer Bill: SB 114

Common Message 

Proposition 28: SB 115

Forms & Templates

45 Day Budget Revision