Overview of Services
SBAS provides a variety of business related services and support to school districts, charter schools, and community colleges in Santa Barbara County.
We Serve
Districts (20); Charters (10); Community Colleges (2); SELPA
Accounts Payable
902 Users
County-wide Enrollment
Self-Insured Schools of CA
The Associate Superintendent of Administrative Services represents the Santa Barbara County Self-Insured Schools of California (SISC) member districts on the SISC II (Property and Liability) and SISC III (Health Benefits) JPA boards, attends monthly SISC board meetings, and participates in the annual SISC rates committee meetings for both JPAs.
Business & Administration Steering Committee
The Associate Superintendent of Administrative Services serves on the Business and Administration Steering Committee (BASC) of the California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA). BASC meets monthly with state agencies to gather information and provide input on current issues and legislation affecting school districts. BASC also develops the statewide Common Message at each budget period to provide leadership and financial guidance to LEAs in each county, while promoting sound business practices that encourage fiscal solvency.