Attendance Reporting
Attendance Reporting Reminder: P-2 Attendance Reports must be certified by the district in PADC no later than Thursday, April 24, 2025.
Principal Apportionment Data Collection (PADC) Web Application, which replaced the PADC desktop software.
- What is PADC? The PADC Software is used by LEAs to report pupil attendance and other data used to calculate funding for the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) and Special Education (AB 602).
- How does it work? The PADC Web Application will allow each LEA to enter information, run validation checks (formerly check/save function), and certify data electronically. An automatic email notification will be sent to the COE Administrator once the LEA Administrator. If revisions are needed, the COE Administrator can remove certification so that the screen is unlocked, and the LEA can make changes. If no revisions are needed, the COE Administrator views and certifies the data electronically. Once both certifications are complete, data will transfer to CDE on the due date.
- How do you access the new PADC Web Application? Contact your LEA Administrator.
The PADC Webpage contains a PADC User Manual and Video tutorials – see links below. If you experience technical difficulties, please call the CDE Principal Apportionment Section at 916-324-4541 or email
An authorizing district is responsible for reviewing and certifying attendance data for its charter school(s). Therefore, a district may need to establish and communicate earlier reporting deadlines to its charter school(s) so that it has sufficient time to review and certify the data before submission to our office.
Web Based Application
PADC User Manual
Overview Webinar
Issues and Tips
Attendance Calendar
FY 2024-2025
PADC District Administrator List
District Student Information Systems and Contacts
PADC District User Manual (SBCEO)